About Us | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure

Mega Mall is an Online Mall and Search Engine only. We sell nothing. Prices and information is furnished by the merchant. We constantly update our website, and we are proud of our accuracy rate. However, many merchants change prices several times an hour. Try as we may, errors occur. Therefore, the merchant's website is considered correct.

Please contact us if you find an error.

When you find something you’re interested in on Mega Mall, you can click on the product to go to the seller’s site and purchase it. There, you'll also find the most recent, accurate price. Shipping costs can vary depending on destination, shipping method, and merchant, so it’s a good idea to check the merchant's website. There, you’ll also find information about any applicable insurance or warranties.

Since we sell nothing, we collect no information on our visitors. The exception to this is many of our merchants ask for geographical information. However, we collect that as a group, and not individually (as in we had 100 visitors from the U.S.). Other than this, we do not collect, share, trade, or sell ANY information on our visitors.

We sell advertising on our website, however, none of our ads are targeted.

Email: webmaster@weselleverything.net | Phone or text: 864-610-5556
We are U.S. based in Greenville, SC

We are paid a fee when an item is viewed, a link is clicked, or a sale originates from our website. We may be paid for a combination of these. We also sell advertising on our website. We may be paid in cash, goods, or services. We may also receive samples to try. This compensation may or may not affect our promotional efforts.